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Kathleen O’Meara: “And People Stayed Home,’ “E as Pessoas

Ficaram em Casa”, escrito em 1869.

“And People Stayed Home”

And people stayed home 

and read books and listened 

and rested and exercised 

and made art and played 

and learned new ways of being 

and stopped 

and listened deeper 

someone meditated

someone prayed 

someone danced 

someone met their shadow 

and people began to think differently 

and people healed 

and in the absence of people who lived in ignorant ways, 

dangerous, meaningless and heartless, 

even the earth began to heal 

and when the danger ended 

and people found each other 

grieved for the dead people 


and they made new choices 

and dreamed of new visions 

and created new ways of life 

and healed the earth completely 

just as they were healed themselves.


By: Kathleen O’Meara (1839–1888)




E as Pessoas Ficaram em Casa

E as pessoas ficaram em casa.

E leram livros e ouviram música

E descansaram e fizeram exercícios

E fizeram arte e jogaram

E aprenderam novas maneiras de ser

E pararam

E ouviram mais fundo

Alguém meditou

Alguém rezava

Alguém dançava

Alguém conheceu a sua própria sombra

E as pessoas começaram a pensar de forma diferente.

E as pessoas curaram.

E na ausência de gente que vivia

De maneiras ignorante

Perigosa, perigosos.

Sem sentido e sem coração,

Até a terra começou a curar

E quando o perigo acabou

E as pessoas se encontraram

Elas ficaram tristes pelos mortos.

E fizeram novas escolhas

E sonharam com novas visões

E criaram novas maneiras de viver

E curaram completamente a terra

Assim como elas estavam curados

This poem, "And the people stayed home"by Kathleen O'Meara, seeks to show the way life can be reinvented around the world. It can be applied to our days, in 2020, although it was written in the 19th century. We have to face all the challenges to survive nowadays. Students have to grow and learn; teachers have to let them grow and teach how to deal with such a new life.

Many thanks to çFriburgo. to parents, to all the people who certainly contributed for our development along the pandemic 2020!


Este poema, "E as pessoas ficaram em casa", de  Kathleen O'Meara , procura mostrar como a vida pode ser reinventada em todo o mundo..Isto pode ser aplicado a nossos dias, em 2020, embora tenha sido escrita no século XIX.Temos que enfrentar todos os desafios para sobreviver. Os alunos precisam crescer e aprender; os professores têm que deixá~los crescer e ensinar como lidar com a nova vida.

Muito obrigada ao Friburgo, aos pais, a todas as pessoas que certamente contribuíram para o nosso desenvolvimento durante a pandemia de 2020!


English Team

Inglês - Casinha Pequenina

Children's Day - Cooking Class - Fruit Salad - Professoras Fabiana Maitan e Luísa Gutman (Colégio Friburgo); Daniela Borracha e Márcia Beréa.

Inglês Fund 1 -  Prof. Fabiana Maitan



1º ano

2º ano

3º ano

4º ano

5º ano

Inglês - Prof. Clice Salles

6º ano

The books I read - 6º ano 

Os alunos desenvolveram leitura extensiva, fora da sala de aula, para dividir experiências sobre as narrativas, em grupos ou individualmente, na montagem de textos filmados ou apresentados ao público da sala. Foram levados a analisar, interpretar, e criar novas situações em inglês, pela oralidade. Os livros lidos foram London: a day in the city e Surfer, onde desenvolveram vocabulário em estruturas do cotidiano.

Inglês - Prof. Clice Salles

7º ano

The books I read -7º ano.


Os alunos do 7º ano já começam a ler livros de grande autores da literatura, adaptados para o mundo adolescente. Neste ano de 2020, lemos The house of the seven gables, de Nathaniel Hawthorne e The Phantom of the Opera, de Gaston Leroux. Na leitura, adquiriram novos conhecimentos, não somente através da língua, mas através de experiências sobre a cultura de outros povos. A oralidade foi muito desenvolvida, em grupos ou individualmente, através de textos filmados ou apresentados em sala.

Inglês - Prof. Amanda Daher de Moura

8º ano

The books I read – “Allan Poe reinvented”

Mestre do horror, Allan Poe enfeitiça os leitores com suas macabras histórias, repletas de simbolismo e possíveis interpretações. O projeto do 8° ano, por meio da parceria entre disciplinas de Artes e Inglês, trouxe aos alunos a oportunidade de reinventarem alguns dos clássicos contos de Poe, criando uma comparação entre adaptação e obra original.

Cada grupo partiu de um dos quatro contos trabalhados no semestre – O Gato Preto, A Máscara da Morte Rubra, O Retrato Oval e Berenice – e, após leitura e análise, recontou a história à sua maneira. Mudanças de gênero narrativo, perspectiva e cenário trouxeram novas nuances e camadas de interpretação para os contos, bem como as ilustrações, criando possíveis visões dos personagens e cenários das adaptações imaginadas.

Captura de Tela 2020-12-12 às 23.37.44.p

Arthur, Caio, Curtis, Pedro Carmona, Rafael Gimenez

The Black Cat


The black cat was really sad and angry with his owner as the human was always drunk and trying to hurt and torture the poor cat. So the cat came up with a plan to get revenge against the man. The pet wanted his owner to notice how bad the human was and gave the man a last chance to change.

During the first weeks, the cat let the owner free to do whatever he wanted. The man didn’t change. In the fourth week, the cat wrote a note to the owner, letting him know that he had 24 hours left to change. The man was alarmed, and decided to escape, heaving the house forever. But the cat had put a tracker on the man’s phone, and wrote him an anonymous message: the man couldn’t escape! He was going to suffer the

consequences for mistreating animals.

After the man received the message, he got scared and called the police, telling the officers about the message. But he didn’t tell them the message was from the cat. He tried to use the police against the pet. “I forgot my precious cat home… He’s very ill, and he needs to be put down. So may you get my cat for me?”

A police officer agreed to go to the man’s house to get the cat. When the officer arrived, he taught there was something strange there. He found a letter with the man’s handwriting saying that the owner had locked his cat for weeks, mistreating the animal for 13 nights. Then he found a red liquid on the floor. At first, he thought it was ketchup, but it was actually blood – cat blood! The police officer believed that the owner had actually killed the cat. That man was going to jail for mistreating animals!

The black cat, actually, was alive and well. He had staged its own death to frame the terrible owner.

The black cat successfully got his revenge!

Captura de Tela 2020-12-12 às 23.37.54.p

Eduardo, Ian, Mathias, Pedro O., Theo

The Oval Portrait


In the dark woods, a journalist team walks into a big old house that a famous photographer used to live in. They are looking for a room they think is haunted, with the hope of finding enough material to write an article. They look around for a while. Finally, they find a room with lots of pictures and images on the wall. Most of them are good -almost perfect - but at the corner of the room there is a frame with a picture so beautiful, that it is difficult for them to not look at. It makes them feel like nothing else matters. It is a good sensation. However, they are also afraid of the picture, almost as if it’s enchanted, or maybe cursed. Right next to it, they see a diary. Falling for temptation, they open it

cautiously and read:

1 day

“This is the beginning of my diary. With it, I hope to register my dream, that’s taking the perfect photo. I’ve worked on a regular job until I finally saved enough mone to buy a house and start living my dream. I’ve bought an old house in an isolated forest, and there’s a lot of places to take photos here.”

7 days

Even though only a week passed by, I took a lot of different photos, and my skill has already improved a little. However, none of the images is good enough, I still needimprovement.

3 weeks

My images are good enough for people to buy them, but I don’t feel satisfied, they are not PERFECT. I will try new places. Maybe something will change.

4 months

Now my work is famous, I’m living of taking pictures, but why? The photos are not perfect, why does everyone like it? People don’t know what a real picture looks like.

This is not perfect, not perfect.

8 months

This is not enough, I’m always getting better, but it’s never enough. I’m not sure if I can do this. Maybe it is impossible.

1 year

Why am I even doing this? I can’t stop, even if I try. But this doesn’t matter,

Everything is going wrong, I can’t take photos anymore. What's happening? No matter

how hard I try, I CAN’T take a good photo.

1 year n’ 6 months


I can’t even hold the camera properly, why am I still here?




It... it’s perfect. I can't stop looking at it, can't do anything other than look at it, not even eat… “

The two journalists look at each other, and at the picture. They open the diary again, seeking for something more, and, on the last page, they find a note: “just kidding, my other hobby was writing fiction… hope you liked it!”

Captura de Tela 2020-12-12 às 23.58.25.p

Luca Elia

O retrato oval


Era uma vez um casal que teve um filho chamado Derby. Derby sempre amou pintar, desenhar seus personagens favoritos de desenho. Quando Derby completou 18 anos, virou um pintor famoso.

Ele era conhecido por obras ovais. Seus pais tinham orgulho de seu filho. Quando Derby fez 20 anos decidiu pintar seus pais. Então pediu para eles sentarem em uma cadeira de couro. Derby começou a pintar e nem percebeu que seus pais estavam morrendo de fome.

Oito meses depois Derby terminou e foi chamar seus pais... Mas eles tinham morrido... Derby nem ligou e vendeu o retrato com o espírito dos pais nele.


Tradução para o inglês da primeira sentença:

Once upon a time a couple had a son called Derby.

Captura de Tela 2020-12-12 às 23.58.45.p

Texto original e ilustração: Olivia

Revisão, edição e tradução: Gabriela, Fernanda Bernardes, Pedro Gonella, Pedro Moreno

The Oval Portrait


In 1881, in a small town in central California called Mystic Hills – which, at that time, was well known for receiving the greatest psychopaths and the mentally ill in history - lived one of the craziest women in the world, Elizabeth Edwards Jones. She was diagnosed with an unknown disease that made her believe that all the living were dead and that all the dead were living, including her late husband, William Edwards Jones,

whose corpse was left every day in a chair, by the window.

Elizabeth, since her childhood, was passionate about art. Every twilight she would go to her balcony, bringing the canvas, four different colors of paint and two brushes, and start painting the river beside her house and her empty neighborhood. The one that was

on the “other side” – meaning she painted them as they were all dead.

Over the years Elizabeth got more and more tired of painting the same thing every evening. Therefore, decided to change her works a little bit, she went down to the basement of what had remained of her house and rearranged the room, so she could be able to paint there. But, while she was organizing everything, she felt that something was missing. Something “alive” to be painted.

She thought for days about what she could add to the scenario. Then she talked to her husband and invited him to be part of her painting. He was placed in an armchair and she started her painting.

As time went by, Elizabeth became more obsessed with the painting. And day after day, year after year, she became more entertained with her work, perfecting every detail, brush by brush.

The city was no longer the same, her home was no longer the same and mainly,

Elizabeth Edwards Jones was no longer the same. On 11/10/1884, after finishing her painting, she was so admired as if that was the most beautiful thing ever done in the world. Then, when she tried to reach for a pencil to sign the painting, she looked around The room and realized that nothing was the same. Amazed by what she was seeing, she ended up having a panic attack. As if she was in a trance, as part of her mental illness, she collapsed and fainted.

Half an hour later, Elizabeth woke up with a tremendous headache and pain in her body. When she got up, she noticed that everything was, in fact, changed. She began to realize that her illness had deceived her for a long time. Several memories, not

understood by her as a child, started to come back. She connected the dots, figuring out the reasons she could never have had a healthy and normal childhood. Finally, Elizabeth ended up seeing the reality of the real world. But, as she couldn’t stand the truths that her mind had made her see, she ended up drowning herself in the river that passed beside her house, the same river she had always portrayed in her works.

Inglês - Prof. Amanda Daher de Moura

9º ano

The books I read – “The Duality”

Um dos clássico da literatura inglesa, O Médico e o Monstro (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde), foi o ponto de partida para o projeto do 9° ano, envolvendo as disciplinas de Artes e Inglês, em parceria. Dentre os temas, a obra aborda a dualidade humana ao narrar a fantástica trajetória do cientista Jekyll que, após um experimento, cria um alter ego monstruoso, Mr. Hyde.

Inspirados pelo tema da dualidade os alunos exploraram aspectos antagônicos ou complementares do ser humano e da própria natureza. Através de versos livres e de ilustrações, cada grupo criou um par de personagens, cada qual incorporando os opostos escolhidos, e, de forma criativa, imaginaram o resultado do encontro dos contrários.

Inglês - Prof. Sônia

1º ano EM

Os trabalhos selecionados para essa mostra apresentam a reflexão de alguns alunos do Ensino Médio sobre memoráveis obras da literatura inglesa.

Oscar Wilde e Charles Dickens, estudados pelos alunos do 1º e 2º anos respectivamente, foram as inspirações para a criação de vídeos autorais sobre suas análises literárias.

Inglês - Prof. Sônia

2º ano EM

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